B otswana launched a 3 year program to build Botswana's domestically built satellite named "Botswana Sat-1" fully funded by Botswana government on 20th of December 2020. The satellite will be built by experts from Botswana International University of Science & Technology, Botswana Institute of Technology Research & Innovation, Botswana University of Agriculture & University of Botswana with technical support & help from University of Oulu in Finland that has helped built satellites in Finland, a private satellite manufacturing company called Loon from USA. The satellite will be used for Earth Observation, generate data for smart farming & real time virtual tourism. The programme will shoot into orbit its own home-grown miniature space crafts, the smallest and modern satellite cubes that are fast replacing the traditional gigantic space ships in space missions. The launch of the space programme is consonant with Masisi’s development agenda of harnessin...